I have had to make changes to my schedule this year, primarily because the conflict in Ukraine needs attention, therefore I will participate in the World Peace Assembly currently running in Romania on the border of Ukraine, the object is to create harmony through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, in 1974 this technique was proven to reduce crime when 1% of the population practiced this meditation, this technology is the best tool to create peace, hence my absence at those larger Craft fair in May. However, I will still be participating in local events. Please visit my Events Page.
Margots care tips
Please clean your brass, copper and silver jewellery with a soft rag (old cotton T shirt is excellent). You can use a silver cloth, but do not rub too hard to avoid removing patina.
Photography: Simon Cook 01736 360041
Silver jewellery: for the high-polished work use a silver cloth with some elbow grease. Alternatively, purchase a product called Solvo, made by Autosol, from Halfords (excellent for restoring high finish).
Wear Bangles that jangle
These bangles represent the true element of my work, the relief of the brass on the silver is characterised throughout the collection, whether I am decorating copper or brass or gold. The champagne bubble collection is represented both in silver as shown in the image below, but you can view the remaining collections by clicking here
life is easy if you choose well